Bourbon County Fairgrounds in Fort Scott, Kansas
“One of the oldest shows of its kind in Kansas!”

About Pioneer Harvest Fiesta, Fort Scott, Kansas

Our Mission

“To create and maintain an organization of persons who are interested in all aspects of equipment, machinery, and other technology characteristic of rural American culture particularly during the period encompassing the first half of the twentieth century; to provide for the collection, preservation, display and management of artifacts and/or documents contemplated above; to provide and/or promote educational and charitable activities and programs which fulfill the above purposes, and thereby advance the cultural betterment of humankind; and to receive, administer, and distribute funds in connection with any activities related to the above purposes; provided, however, that the organization shall only engage in activities that are in the purview of Section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 amended.”

Article 2, Section 1 of the Bylaws of Pioneer Harvest Fiesta

Our Officers

President:  Craig Shikles
Vice-President: Davin Reichard
Treasurer:  Delphine Parks
Secretary:  Betsy Readinger

Join Us!

If you have an interest in antique or classic farm equipment, agricultural history, or pioneer skills, then you need to be a member of the Pioneer Harvest Fiesta!

Annual dues are $10.00 per person. Membership benefits include: monthly meetings, a monthly newsletter, a commemorative button, and admission to the Annual Show held the last weekend in September.

You’ll also get to meet a group of friendly, hard-working people who are dedicated to preserving our rural past.

We have volunteer opportunities available for everyone, both during the Annual Show and throughout the year. A few examples of volunteer activities include: helping with the wheat harvest, participating in area parades, giving demonstrations on farm equipment, repairing and maintaining show grounds and equipment, helping with spring plowing, and tending the corn crop. If you’re looking for something less strenuous, you can help staff the exhibit booth at fairs and home shows, work at the quilt show, take tickets, fold brochures, give tours to school children, or participate on committees. Whatever your skills are, we can use them!

For information on joining the organization, email Craig Shikles, Presidentor call 417-425-4552or any one of the Fiesta members.

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© 2022 Pioneer Harvest Fiesta, Inc.   501(c)(3) Not-For-Profit Organization.
All Rights Reserved